1 research outputs found

    A Framework for Localizing and Neutralization of Jammers in Wireless Networks.

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    The communication in wireless networks can be severely interrupted by Jammers and information about the jammers position can help to eliminate its attack. The main approach of this paper is to localize and neutralize the jammer in the network based on the energy(JSS) and finding the new route through the network i.e., best route through the network. The best route is defined as the minimum distance in the network that a sender node selects as its boundary or next hop node Thus, in this paper we aim to design a frame work to localize multiple jammers with high accuracy and minimal error factor. An effective means is to measure the strength of jamming signals (JSS). It conceives an evaluation feedback mechanism for localizing jammer as non linear optimization problem, to quantify result close to true jammer position. This paper focuses on localizing multiple jammer considering energy(JSS) as parameter for identifying a node as a jammer and using another parameter i.e., distance between nodes along with their energy(JSS) to find a best path for the communication in a network jammed scenario. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15057